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Physical Delivery vs. Cash Settlement of Commodity Futures Contracts ๐ŸŒพ


Taking Delivery of Commodities via the Futures Market PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO SO WE CAN DO MORE! Physical Delivery vs. Cash Settlement of Commodity Futures Contracts. Taking delivery of commodities when you've traded them on a futures exchange. Do commodity futures actually get delivered? And could I take delivery on my futures contract? When you buy a futures contract, many of them when they expire, you are expected to take delivery of those futures (markets you've traded the futures on). So if you've bought a futures contract in soybeans you may well be expected to take delivery of those soybeans. After all that's what a futures contract is - it is the right to buy a certain amount of that commodity at a certain price at some point in the future. And the counterparty of your trade has to delivery that commodity at that price at a specified time in the future (which date both the buyer and seller have ultimately agreed). Most speculators don't want delivery of the futures contract so we close the futures contract before it expires and many broker accounts will automatically do that for us unless we actually notify them otherwise. A hedger can either be a producer or consumer - if you're a producer you want to lock the price that you will get when you sell what you've produced.

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