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Day Trading Struggles Q/A Webinar
In this webinar we cover some of the Day Trading struggles Stock Market Lab members faced with trading stocks and options.
In this webinar we cover:
1:20 - 9:24 Catching breakouts properly and not getting caught in false breakouts
9:25 - Where to find stocks to trade for the day
9:25 - Good Percentage to cut losses
14:04 - I have a good win ratio but still lose money.
16:40 - Best way to manage risk with options
21:20 - Is It important to have the options premium chart up
22:20 - What it mean to have en edge? Definition of an edge
28:40 - Blew up my account. How to come back?
36:30 - Choosing the strike to trade for options with a smaller account
40:30 - Two years and made no progress. Should I quit?
42:20 - Having a hard time executing
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**DISCLAIMER** I am not a financial advisor and anything that I say on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. I am only sharing my biased opinion based off of speculation and my personal experience. You should always understand that with investing there is always risk. You should always do your own research before making any investment.
#DayTrading #Trading #StockMarket
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